Customer for egg tray making machine from Morocco
In March 2019, a customer from Morocco consulted us. He said he wanted to start the egg tray business, and he was a novice in the business and did not know how to start. When we got to know the situation, we told him that we could teach him how to operate the machine and that we would continue to give him instructions in the production process afterward, so he should not worry about it even if he tried it for the first time.
Our sales consultant Tina sends our customer Bob’s video to him. He is so satisfied with the machine. So he wants the model 4*1 egg tray machine. Then they discuss the details of this model. Such as the ratio of pulp to water, number of pools, cabinet size and so on. For this model, it needs a 40HC to delivery.

Factory egg tray

Colorful egg tray
Now the customer has received the machine. He has built the factory when the machine is transported. So he installs the machine immediately when he gets the machine. There are a few problems during the installation process. We are guiding him on how to install it correctly through the video.
Egg tray making machine
Our engineer helps him to design the factory according to the customer’s situation. He needs to build three pools: homogenizer pool, slurry pool, tank. The drawing including the pools size and the position. He wants to do egg trays with various colors. So he needs to add color into the pulping when processing the pulp. If you add the blue color into the pulping, the final eg tray will be blue. So it is easy to make beautiful colors of the final product.

The machine is in production. It only needs three persons to operate it. Because the raw materials needed for production are very cheap and the labor costs are very less, the cost is relatively low. So the profit recovery is faster. Now he gets many orders from different filed that need the egg tray.

Zhengzhou Shuli Company has been producing this machine for ten years. We will continue to improve according to customer needs and market requirements. At the same time, we also have mature technology and experienced staff to help customers solve problems.
Customers don’t need to have too many concerns after buying this machine. Such as how to build a factory. You do not need to worry. Since we can provide the factory drawing for the customer. No matter what difficulties you have, we will try our best to help customers solve them. Contact us if you have any problems with the egg tray making machine!